Wed, Feb 01, 23.

Elisha's Miracles

  1. Elisha multiplies oil for the widow of a prophet [2Kgs 4:1-7]. This was Elisha’s 6th
  2. Elisha gave the Shunamite woman a son, though she was old and barren [2Kgs 4:8-17]. This was Elisha’s 7th
  3. Elisha brought the Shunamite woman's dead son back to life [2Kgs 4:18-37]. This was Elisha’s 8th
  4. Elisha neutralised a poisoned pot of stew using flour [2Kgs 4:38-41]. This was Elisha’s 9th
  5. Elisha multiplied bread for a hundred men and had some left over [2Kgs 4:42-44].
  6. Elisha cleansed Naaman of his leprosy [2Kgs 5:1-14]. This was Elisha’s 10th
  7. Elisha called the leprosy of Naaman upon Gehazi [2Kgs 5:15-27]. This was Elisha’s 11th
  8. Elisha causes the axe head to float [2Kgs 6:1-7]. This was Elisha’s 12th miracle
  9. Elisha told the king of Israel the plan of the king of Syria [2Kgs 6:8-10]. This was Elisha’s 13th
  10. Elisha caused the eyes of his servant to open to see the armies of heaven in Elisha’s side [2Kgs 6:15-17]. This was Elisha’s 14th
  11. Elisha blinds the Syrian soldiers [2Kgs 6:18-20]. This was Elisha’s 15th
  12. Elisha causes their sight to be restored [2Kgs 6:18-20]. This was Elisha’s 16th
  13. Elisha caused there to be abundant provision for Israel overnight [2Kgs 7:1-19]. This was Elisha’s 17th
  14. Elisha prophesied the death of the officer of the king of Israel who doubted the word of God through himself [2Kgs 7:2]. This was Elisha’s 17th

Other Points

  1. Even though we are not followers of Mammon, God can still work miracles of provision for His people [2Kgs 4:1-7]
  2. There were many poor people in Israel, but Elisha helped the widow of a man who served Yahweh [2Kgs 4:1].
  3. Elisha does not go to the woman's house or touch the oil or anything such thing that one would expect, but just gave her instructions on what to do to receive the miracle [2Kgs 4:2-4].
  4. Elisha asked her to borrow vessels. It is not a sin to borrow. Sometimes, borrowing is necessary for expansion, if he is sure the borrowing will yield increase and he can return what is borrowed. Even God borrows from people to give to the poor [Pro 19:17]
  5. There is no crime for a Christian to talk to some authority figure to help out another Christian, just like Elisha offered to speak to the king on her behalf [2Kgs 4:13] and Daniel recommended his friends for service [Dan 2:48-49].
  6. Righteous people gathered around prophets on Sabbaths and New Moons [2Kgs 4:23].
  7. God was in control of the nations - not just Israel. This can be seen in the fact that He gave victories to Syria [2Kgs 5:1].
  8. The Israelite servant girl of Naaman's wife had faith that Elisha could heal Naaman's leprosy - even though there was no record of such a miracle before in Israel (with the exception of Moses at Sinai) [2Kgs 5:3].
  9. The servant girl of Naaman’s wife who was captured from her people Israel by Naaman’s men was not bitter about her captivity but served her master faithfully by offering him counsel which eventually led to his deliverance from leprosy [2Kgs 5:2-3].
  10. Men appeared to have male servants and women - like Naaman's wife - appeared to have female servants.
  11. Naaman took some earth from Israel back with him to Syria [2Kgs 5:17]. He was going to set up an embassy to Yahweh in Syria.
  12. Naaman did not take for granted that he no longer intended to worship Rimmon. He asked Yahweh - through Elisha - to pardon him when he bows his head in Rimmon's temple while the king of Syria was worshiping [2Kgs 5:18]
  13. There is a time to receive reward - according to Elisha [2Kgs 5:27]. That time is when the kingdom of God comes.